NCEIT AND The Lee GOP are co-hosting its annual Douglass-Lincoln-Reagan banquet on Feb 15th at the Dennis A Wicker Civic Center in Sanford on Feb 15th. VIP Reception is 5:00-6:15PM and the Banquet is from 6:30-9:15PM.
Address is 1801 Nash St, Sanford, NC 27330-6412, United States
VIP Reception is 5:00-6:15PM and the Banquet is from 6:30-9:15PM.
Dr. Carol Swain (Prager University) is our Banquet Keynote Speaker and Cleta Mitchell will be our featured (NCEIT) Speaker. Scott Presler is a tentative attendee. Congressman Brad Knott is also slated to make an appearance.
We will honor Dr Swain with our Frederick Douglass Lifetime Achievement award (along with an original local painting of Douglass) to honor her many years of conservative activism. She is not yet aware, but Cleta will be honored for her work establishing the EIN and educating the nation about our vulnerabilities. We will recognize our cabinet members and the major contributors to NCEIT this past cycle.
I will arrange for motel rooms for those of you coming from more than an hour away.
The link with info is here:[]%7D
I want to encourage as many NCEIT members as possible to come and attend. I will send out an NCEIT-wide invitation this week, but please encourage our county coordinators to make an attempt to come. Cost to them is just $50 solo or $90 with spouse.
Hope all of you can make it.