Always put a dot (.) before your Tweets so everyone can see them and not just the folks you're sending them to. Include 4 recipients. Also, when you re-Tweet, add four more to your Tweet to magnify your message. See here for Twitter handles. NC Congressman need to get the SAVE act pledge
Take the pledge Only Citizens Vote & Pass NC Amendment S630 to preserve citizens voting the heart of the American Republic. #NCEIT
Citizens Only Voting S630 makes citizenship an unquestionable requirement to vote. NC Rules and Operations move the bill so #onlycitizensvote. #NCEIT
Pass the Amendment S630: Only a citizen of the United States who is 18 years of age and possesses the qualifications of a birth certificate or naturalization papers shall be entitled to vote at any election in NC. #NCEIT
Radical progressives eliminated laws requiring #OnlyCitizensVote proof of US citizenship voter registration. Pass amendment S630 #OnlyCitizensVote Stop millions of illegal aliens & #noncitizens voting in November. Every voting noncitizen cancels vote of American citizen #NCEIT
#Citizenvoting is at the heart of the American republic. Blood has been spilled to preserve this sacred institution. We must preserve it at all costs. Pass S630 to preserve #onlycitizensvote. #NCEIT
.85% of Americans Agree. #OnlyCitizenVote. Pass S630 preserve this precious right. #NCEIT NC Senate Rules Committee pass H770 Cast Vote Records so NC citizens have access to the election artifacts for thorough post-election tabulation audits in 2024+.
Thank you NC House Representatives Davis; Cleveland; Mills; Warren Sponsors and co-sponsors of H770 Cast Vote Records allowing access to artifacts needed for true forensic audit in 2024 & beyond. Senate Rules & Operations now must do their job & get it out of Committee. #NCEIT
Same Day Registration (SDR) address verifications cannot be completed as they are for other voters leading to some illegitimate votes cast. Repeal SDR as every other Southern state has. Restore confidence in our elections. #NCEIT
NC #risklimitingaudits by state & local BOEs fail to rule out all forms of election fraud = disenfranchises voters & erodes voter turnout. NC needs statistically significant post-election audit that uses all available artifacts. #NCEIT
.NC needs audits to certify elections to build public confidence & election outcomes.Majority of voting public believe 7-10 days of early voting is sufficient plus 1 weekend day means significant cost to BOEs - a 10 day early voting period #NCEIT
.Student ID cards including electronic IDs, are easily counterfeited & often issued to foreign students who are not citizens and should not be voting. The #NCGA needs legislation to establish more rigorous control over #NCSBE in approving #studentIDs. #NCEIT
.#NC Voter registration lists = 1+ million (14%) errors: duplicates, non-citizens & registrants who moved. Use National Electronic Verification of Vital Records (EVVE) to verify citizen births for registration purposes. NC must adopt EVVE. #NCEIT
.Stop the corruption of our voter rolls by making them vulnerable to exploitation & ballot harvesting. Use National Electronic Verification of Vital Records (EVVE) it verifies citizen births for registration purposes. NC must adopt EVVE. #NCEIT
.Make NC voter rolls secure, not vulnerable to exploitation and ballot harvesting. Adopt EVVE Institute Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE) that verifies ID by using the U.S. birth certificate database & confirms document legitimacy. #NCEIT
.#NCVoterRegistrationForm has NO HAVA required ID: drivers license or SS# #NCSBE rejects citizen input preventing corrections at county level. Poor #ListMaintenance invites ballot harvesting & exploitation. Cleanup voter rolls with citizen input. #NCEIT
.Over 400,00 #voterregistrations are missing #HAVA required info of the SSN-4 or the driver’s license. The #NCSBE has failed to order local boards to make contact with these voters. #NCEIT
. Pass the Amendment S630: Only a citizen of the United States who is 18 years of age and possessing the qualifications of a birth certificate or naturalization papers shall be entitled to vote at any election in NC. @NCleg #NCpol #NCGA #NCEIT @EIWatchdogs #NCEIT
. Radical progressives eliminated laws requiring #OnlyCitizensVote - proof of US citizenship for voter registration. #NCEIT @NCHouseSpeaker @SenatorBerger #NCSenatorWarrenDaniel
. @NCHouseSpeaker @SenatorBerger pass amendment S630 to stop millions of illegal aliens & #noncitizens voting in November. Every voting noncitizen cancels the vote of an American citizen. @EIWatchdogs #NCEIT
. #Citizenvoting is at the heart of the American republic. Blood has been spilled to preserve this sacred institution. We must preserve it at all costs. Pass S630 to preserve #onlycitizensvote. @BuckNewton #NCSenBrad Overcash @MyNCSenate @TimMoffitt #NCEIT
.Fed law requires a driver’s licenses or SS# to confirm voter eligibility creating a dangerous loophole that allows #noncitizens to register & vote. The Exception Form loophole has got to go! Don’t cancel out #OnlyCitizensVote Pass Amendment S630 #NCleg #NCEIT
.Fed law requires use of a driver’s licenses or SS# to confirm voter eligibility. creates a dangerous loophole that allows noncitizens to register & vote. The Exception Form loophole has got to go! Don’t cancel out #OnlyCitizensVote Pass S630.
@NCHouseSpeaker @SenatorBerger #NCEIT
. 85% of Americans Agree. #OnlyCitizensVote. Pass S630 and preserve this precious right. @NCleg #NCpol #NCGA #NCEIT @NCHouseSpeaker @SenatorBerger
. #NC Senate Rules & Operations Committee pass H770 Cast Vote Records so #NC citizens have access to the election artifacts needed for thorough post-election tabulation audits in 2024 & beyond. Restore confidence in our elections. @MyNCSenate @NCleg @NCpol #NCEIT
.#NCSenateRules Committee pass H770 Cast Vote Records so NC citizens have access to the election artifacts needed for thorough post-election tabulation audits in 2024 & beyond. Restore confidence in our elections #NCEIT @ncPOL @EIwatchdogs @SenBerger
. #Thankyou Davis; Cleveland; Mills; Warren (Primary) Cairns; Fontenot; Humphrey; Kidwell; McNeely; Willis for sponsoring H770 Cast Vote Records so NC can have access to the artifacts for a true forensic audit 2024 + #NCSenate @NCHouseSpeaker
. #risklimitingaudits conducted by #NC state & local BOEs fail to rule out all forms of election fraud which disenfranchises voters&erodes voter turnout. #NC needs audits that certify elections to build public confidence #NCEIT
@NCHouseSpeaker @SenatorBerger
. Same Day Registration verifications cannot be completed as they are for other voters leading to some illegitimate votes cast. Repeal SDR as every other Southern state has. Restore confidence in our elections. @VoteChecker @MyNCSenate @SenatorBerger #NCEIT @NCHouseSpeaker
. The vast majority of American voting public believes 7-10 days of early voting is sufficient including one weekend day, save significant cost to BOEs and county commissions, warrants a 10 day early voting period. @VoteChecker @SenatorBerger @NCleg @NCHouseSpeaker #nceit
. #StudentIDs including electronic IDs, can be easily counterfeited & most are issued to foreign students who are not citizens and have no business voting. The #NCleg enact legislation to establish more rigorous control over the #NCSBE in approving @MyNCSenate #NCEIT
. #voterregistration lists are bloated with duplicates, non-citizens & registrants who have moved. 1million (14%) in error. NC is one of the few states that neglects to interface with the nation Electronic Verification of Vital Records (EVVE) that would help verify citizen births for registration purposes. Stop the corruption of our voter rolls by making them vulnerable to exploitation & ballot harvesting.@VoteChecker @MyNCSenate @SenatorBerger @NCleg @NCHouseSpeaker
.Institute Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE) that verifies ID by using the U.S. birth certificate database & confirms document legitimacy. Make NC voter rolls secure, not vulnerable to exploitation and ballot harvesting. Adopt EVVE @MyNCSenate @SenatorBerger @NCleg #NCGA @NCHouseSpeaker
. #voterlists are bloated with duplicates, non-citizens & registrants who have moved 1 million (14%) in error. Interface with EVVE Electronic Verification of Vital Records to verify #voterregistrations #NCpol @VoteChecker #NCEIT @NCHouseSpeaker
. #NC is one of the few states that neglects to interface with Electronic Verification of Vital Records (EVVE) that would verify #voterregistrations Stop the corruption of our voter rolls by making them vulnerable to exploitation & ballot harvesting. #NCEIT @MyNCSenate
..#NCVoterRegistration forms don't compel HAVA to require either driver’s license or SS#. #NCSBE ordered counties to reject citizen input & poor #Listmaintenance which invites ballot harvesting and exploitation. Allow for citizen input. #NCEIT #NCpol
.#maiIinballots have the greatest vulnerability for fraud. The #NCGA needs to enact legislation requiring weekly real-time inspection of envelopes reviewed by BOEs prior to ballot removal & tabulation. Permit the same level of observer scrutiny #NCEIT
. #postelectiontabulation #audits don't build confidence in #NCelections.Eliminate #risklimitingaudits USE artifacts to restore election confidence & decrease the chance of voter fraud: absentee/SDRs/overseas/verify citizenship/ ATVS/Poll Tapes #nceit