NCEIT Public Resources
North Carolina Election Integrity Team
Standards, Mission, Goals
NCEIT's mission is to establish a trusted, statewide infrastructure, comprised of a network of county election integrity task forces with operators who are trained, certified, and geographically positioned to ensure secure and legitimate election processes, November 2022 and beyond... Download The PDF:
Election Integrity Network's
Citizen's Guide To Building An Election Integrity Infrastructure
Welcome to the Election Integrity Network!
Election integrity is an undertaking that requires engagement and involvement year-round, year in and year out. It is not something to think about only the 30 days before an election. This guide provides an overview of the tools that are needed to create effective citizen engagement in the election process.
Now is the time for all Americans to come to the aid of their country: and that means becoming involved in the election systems near you.
You can view or download the Citizens Guide by clicking this link: Citizens Guide
If you haven't already, please subscribe to Cleta's Who's Counting? podcast here: Subscribe
Public Interest Legal Foundation's
Critical Condition Report
This report seeks to give Americans data-driven information of what is broken in our election systems and to think about ways to fix those problems and remedy our vulnerabilities...Download The PDF:
Chapter 163
Elections & Election Laws
Unless otherwise provided by law, elections for the officers listed in the tabulation contained in this section shall be conducted in all election precincts of the territorial units specified in the column headed "Jurisdiction"on the dates indicated in the column headed "Date of Election." Unless otherwise provided by law, officers shall serve for the terms specified in the column headed "Term of Office."...Download The PDF:
Virginia's Fair Elections VFE
The Virginia Model
When they began the Virginia Fair Elections (VFE) coalition in 2021, they had no idea if it would be successful or not. What they did know was that Virginians were distrustful of the election process in Virginia. They knew that it was not remotely relevant whether people’s worries were grounded in truth or not. The fact of the matter was that approximately half of Virginia voters – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents – did not believe in the integrity and transparency of our election processes....